Infographic reflection

Infographics are a visual representation of data. According to our professor, we are all visual learners. This means that visual representations are easier to understand and absorb compared to a giant wall of text. If students can make infographics out of the information they are studying, it will require them to hunt for those most important pieces and arrange them in a clear way which will make it easier for them to remember and give them a reference they can quickly look at to refresh them if they forget.
Elementary students could use infographics in math when learning about percentages. For example, they could update gather data about the different colors of shoes worn by the people in our class and then organize that data in a pie chart.
They could also create infographics in language arts. For example, they could make a mind map to organize information in a book they wrote to help them prepare for a book report.
Younger students could use infographics when talking about health by sorting examples of healthy and non healthy foods.
