Initial Blog Post

Digital literacy is ones proficiency in using technological devices as well as the Internet and social media.
Students should be able to use tools like iPads, chrome books, and computers to create and learn through different apps as well as the Internet. Students should learn to think critically about things they read on the Internet and know which sources will be better or worse when they are trying to research or learn. Students should know what to do if they come across content such as pop-ups or pictures that are disturbing such as pornography or violence. Students should also learn Internet safety and ethics so they can use resources appropriately.
It is important for us to use technology in education because we live in a digital world so teaching students how to appropriately and effectively use technology will prepare them to interact appropriately and effectively with the world around them.
My biggest concern with technology is I personally haven't really been able to afford the latest and greatest tools and I don't have a lot of experience with different programs or apps to even know where to begin with using them in education. I am grateful for classes like these to get some practice and exposure to tools that can help me help my students.
I think technology is useful and exciting and can reach students in a different way and hope to be able to work at a school that gives me access for my students for different technological tools.
