G Suite Reflection

In fourth grade, Standard 2 Objective 1a for social studies is to chart the routes that diverse cultural groups took from their places of origin to Utah, using maps and other resources. G Suite provides us with the ability to create a custom map. As a class, we could start by locating the places of origin of our classmates and plotting those on a class map. I could then have the students research for themselves or share some research with my class showing the data about current immigration statistics and have my students use the map to demonstrate that. The My Map tool also allows you to embed pictures so my students could create infographics showing information about the different cultures in Utah and the people and traditions they bring. I could turn this into a group project and the students could work together from different computers on the same map because there is the option to share an editable file with other users.

In fifth grade, Standard 1 for health is about improving mental health and stress management. We could have a class google doc where, as homework the day before, students could brainstorm some stress management techniques. Then, after an in class discussion, each person could write out their personal stress management plan using google docs and they could share it with me when they're ready to turn it in. This allows for me to give them feedback right away and not waste paper.

As a teacher, I could use google hangouts with the teachers in my school who teach the same grade as me. When I was doing my volunteer hours for my introduction to education class last semester, I noticed that there was a lot of cooperation between teachers of the same grade and that they all tried to be going over similar material around the same time or at different times if they were using limited school resources to do those things. Google Hangouts would allow us to have meetings and coordinate with each other over materials and information without being physically in the same location for those meetings. 


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