Publishing Reflection

Students could create a newsletter about the Declaration of Independence from the point of view of an English colonist. They could highlight the events leading up to the U.S. declaring independence, have a section comparing the pros and cons for declaring independence from Loyalist and Patriot perspectives, and a section going over what the Declaration of Independence entailed as if they were explaining it to someone who had never heard of it before. I would have this project be a group project because it is a lot of information to cover.

Students could use a newsletter as a prewriting exercise for writing an informative/explanatory text. After picking their topic, they could make sections for defining, developing, and detailing their topic and for organizing quotations, other information, and examples to support their topic. Because informative writing is often found in newspapers, I think making a small gazette would be an appropriate way to practice. I would have this project be a solo project.

Students could create a health newsletter with sections about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the role of nutrition and exercise in body development, and a sample personal fitness program. In addition to satisfying the health requirement, I think when they dive into the online world of exercise and nutrition, it would be a good opportunity to help them practice identifying whether or not a piece of information is credible or if someone is just trying to sell them something. Because I think this is so important when analyzing nutrition and exercise information, I would also have them come up with a section on their newsletter where they identify some of the traps or trends that different self-made health gurus promote and why they might not be the best idea for everyone. I would have this be a group project so they can collaborate and discuss the things they're learning about healthy lifestyles.


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